Elements - <miso-recommendation>

A container element for the recommendation workflow.

  • Other elements have to be placed inside these elements to be associated with the workflow.
  • There can be multiple container elements that associate to the same workflow in a page.


The following table lists the components that are available in the container. Each component either associates to a property in the API response or some input element.

Tag Property in API response Description
<miso-products> products



Specify unit ID for multiple recommendation units.

<miso-recommendation unit-id="after-article-1">
<!-- ... -->

Control Miso logo display.

By default, Miso logo is appended at the end of the container that contains the main data component (<miso-products>) when data is ready. You can control the logo display by setting the logo attribute on the container element.

<miso-recommendation logo="false">
<!-- ... -->
Value Default Behavior
true Miso logo is appended at the end of container when data is ready.
false Miso logo is not displayed.
auto Miso logo is appended at the end of container when data is ready only if it contains the main component. (e.g. <miso-products>)