Explore module - quick start

Build your explore module in simple steps:

  1. Obtain your API key from Miso dashboard
  2. Add Miso SDK to your webpage
  3. Place Miso elements in your webpage
  4. Configure the explore workflow

1. Obtain your API key

  1. Log in Miso dashboard.
  2. Select your enrivonment (e.g. Production).
  3. You can find your publishable API key in the Overview section.

2. Add Miso SDK to your webpage

As a node module

In your project directory, run:

npm install --save @miso.ai/client-sdk

Then you can import MisoClient from the SDK:

import MisoClient from '@miso.ai/client-sdk';

// work with MisoClient

Using a script tag

Add the SDK script tag to your webpage:

<script async src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@miso.ai/client-sdk@1.9.10/dist/umd/miso.min.js"></script>
  • You can put the script tag anywhere in the document.

MisoClient is available on window object. However, it won't be available until the SDK is loaded. The SDK provides a way to access it regardless of the loading status:

const misocmd = window.misocmd || (window.misocmd = []);
misocmd.push(() => {
const MisoClient = window.MisoClient;
// work with MisoClient

3. Place Miso elements in your webpage

In an article page of your webpage, add the following elements where you want to display the related questions:

<!-- <miso-query> support is available since 1.9.1 -->

4. Configure the explore workflow

There are two pieces of information that the explore workflow needs to know:

  1. product_id of the article, so that it can tell Miso API which article to generate questions against.
  2. How to get to the answers page given a question, so that it can generate links for the question items.
// 1. create a Miso client instance and access the explore workflow
const client = new MisoClient(`${apiKey}`);
const workflow = client.ui.explore;

// 2. tell the workflow which article you want to generate questions against
// the product_id must match the ones in your catalog
product_id: 'product_id_of_the_article',

// 3. tell the workflow how to get to the answers page given a question
// the path must match the path of the answers page in your website
workflow.useLink(question => `/answers?q=${encodeURIComponent(question)}`);

// 4. kick off the workflow