Ask UI - events

The SDK emit events at different stages of the workflow lifecycle.


Name Properties Triggered when
request session, payload When SDK sends a request to Miso API.
loading session, status, ongoing When SDK has sent a request to Miso API and is waiting for the response.
ready session, status, ongoing When SDK starts to display the anwser.
done session, status, ongoing When the answer is fully populated.
interrupt session, status, ongoing When the current session is interrupted by a new session (usually by a new question submit).
error session, status, ongoing When the session is interrupted by an error.
finally session, status, ongoing When the session is finished, either due to completion, interruption or error.
  • The session will always result in either a done, interrupt, or error event.
  • Following the three types of event, the session then always ends with a finally event.

Listen to events

You can listen to several events on the ask workflow.

Listen to events on all workflows

Since 1.8.2

const context = client.ui.asks;

context.on('request', ({ workflow, session, payload }) => {
// When user submits a question in search box.

context.on('done', ({ workflow, session, status, ongoing }) => {
// When answer is fully populated

To remove an event listener, call the function returned by on:

const off = context.on('done', ({ workflow, session, status, ongoing }) => {
// ...

off(); // remove the listener

Listen to events on an individual workflow

workflow.on('request', ({ session, payload }) => {
// When user submits a question in search box.

workflow.on('done', ({ session, status, ongoing }) => {
// When answer is fully populated

To remove an event listener, call the function returned by on:

const off = workflow.on('done', ({ session, status, ongoing }) => {
// ...

off(); // remove the listener

See workflow for individual workflow access.