Ask UI - data

Configure API request

You can configure the base question API payload (request body):


For example, to call the API with yearly_decay value 0.9:

workflow.useApi({ yearly_decay: 0.9 });

Given a question What's the meaing of life?, the API payload will be:

"question": "What's the meaing of life?",
"yearly_decay": 0.9

See the REST API reference for payload options.

You can specify the list of fields of source and related resource records returned in the API responses respectively:

source_fl: ['cover_image', 'url', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'published_at', 'custom_attributes.my_prop'],
related_resource_fl: ['cover_image', 'url', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'published_at', 'custom_attributes.my_prop'],
  • product_id and title are always included in the response.
  • The fields override the default settings, rather than adding to the default fields. It's very likely you may want to keep url and cover_image fields in the list if they are used in your templates.
  • See source code for the default values of source_fl and related_resource_fl.

Configure API request globally

Since 1.8.2

You can configure the default API payload for all workflows:

const context = client.ui.asks;

User data

To pass user data to the API, see API context.

Modify API response

You can modify the API response before rendering the UI:

// for individual workflow
workflow.useDataProcessor(data => {
const response = data.value; // the API response
const { answer, sources, related_resources } = response;
// ...modify the response
return data;

// or for all workflows
const context = client.ui.asks;
context.useDataProcessor(data => {
// ...
return data;

Use a custom data source

You can use a custom data source in place of the built-in Miso API by the following steps:

  1. Configure the workflow to disable the built-in data source.
  2. Listen to request event of the workflow to receive data request.
  3. Call updateData method of the workflow to update the data manually.

Disable built-in data source

To disable the built-in data source:

// to disable for a specific workflow

// or to disable for all workflows
const context = client.ui.asks;

Listen to request event

To listen to request event:

// for individual workflow
workflow.on('request', ({ session, payload }) => {
// ...

// or for all workflows
const context = client.ui.asks;
context.on('request', ({ workflow, session, payload }) => {
// ...

Update data manually

To update API results manually:

const data = { session, value, ongoing };

The data object has the following properties:

Name Type Description
session object Required. Session object from `input` event. Updates associated to expired sessions are ignored.
value object Required. Result of questions API.
ongoing boolean Whether the result is ongoing, expecting more updates to the current session. Default: false.

Putting it all together

See the following example:

const misocmd = window.misocmd || (window.misocmd = []);
misocmd.push(() => {
const client = new MisoClient(`${apiKey}`);
const context = client.ui.asks;
// 1. disable the built-in data source
// 2. listen to input event
context.on('request', async ({ workflow, session, payload }) => {
const questionId = await your.api.getQuestionId(payload); // your API call
let intervalId;
intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
const value = await your.api.getAnswer(questionId); // your API call
value.finished && clearInterval(intervalId);
// 3. update data manually. make sure to pass in session
// value.finished should reflect whether there will be more data coming
workflow.updateData({ session, value });
}, 1000);