Ask API - interactions (explore)

Performance events

To generate performance measurement data for analytics, you can send the following events to Miso API:

  • Impression
  • Viewable impression
  • Click

See Performance measurement for detailed definitions.


To send an event using SDK that works with analytics, specifying api_group, api_name, and property in custom_context is required.

type: 'impression', // or 'viewable_impression', 'click'
product_ids: [...], // if subjects are catalog items
context: {
custom_context: {
api_group: 'ask',
api_name: 'related_questions',
property: '...',
items: [...], // if subjects are not catalog items
Parameter Type Description
type string Event type: impression, viewable_impression, or click.
product_ids array of strings Product ids of the event subjects
items array of strings Event subjects (when they are not catalog items)
api_group string The first segment of API path, in snake case
api_name string The second segment of API path, in snake case
property string The property name of the event subjects, which corresponds to the API response

API and key properties

API Property Is catalog item?
related_questions related_questions


For example, suppose we call the API with the following response:

const response = await client.api.ask.relatedQuestions(payload);

// response
related_questions: [

And we want to track click events on the first two items from the related_questions property, then we send the following interaction:

type: 'click',
context: {
custom_context: {
api_group: 'ask',
api_name: 'related_questions',
property: 'related_questions',
items: ['question_1', 'question_2'],
