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Miso’s User APIs let you upload, read, and delete User records that tell Miso about your site’s unique users and visitors.


Import multiple user records.


from miso.sdk import ApiClient

api_client = ApiClient(api_key="{api_key}")

users = [
  # First user
    "user_id": "0000001",
    "name": "Neil Armstrong",
    "description": "The first man on the moon! I am the first!" ,
    "profile_image": "",
    "age": 92,
    "gender": "M",
  # Second user
    "user_id": "denvercoder9",
    "name": "Denver Coder",
    "description": "A programer who needs some help and coffee." ,
    "profile_image": "",
    "age": 19,
    "custom_attributes": {
        "acquisition_channel": "Facebook Campaign 2022",
        "declared_interests": ["Drama", "Romance"],
    "gender": "F",

response = api_client.user.upload(data=users)


Name Type Description
data list[dict] List of user data.

data is a list of dictionaries, each dictionary represents a product or content record.

Often used fields are:

Name Type Description
user_id str Required. Unique ID of the user.
name str User name, will be displayed in Dojo.
description str Can be user's own bio or internal notes about the user. Will be analyzed to better profile the user if given.
profile_image str URL to profile image of the user.
age int Age of the user. We will internally convert it to year of birth.
gender str The user's gender.
custom_attributes dict A collection of key-value pair that can store arbitrary values. Useful if you want to use fields that are not defined in REST API spec.

Key must be a string. and value can be a bool, a str, a number, a list, or None

Please refer to REST API document for complete field list. With more detailed and accurate metadata provided, Miso can yield better search result for your customers.

Return Value

A dictionary of returned result with following properties:

Name Type Description
errors bool Upload successed or failed.
message str Summarized message.
data list[str] Detail for each error happend.

Read a user's data.


from miso.sdk import ApiClient

api_client = ApiClient(api_key="{api_key}")
response ='0000001')

user_data = response['data']


Name Type Description
user_id str The user's unique ID

Return Value

Returned value is a dict with all fields from user data.

Should cantain all data uploaded with ApiClient.user.upload()


Remove a user's data.

This function should be when receiving data removal request from users (right to be forgotten).


from miso.sdk import ApiClient

api_client = ApiClient(api_key="{api_key}")


Name Type Description
user_id str ID of the user to be removed.

Return Value

Name Type Description
message str Execution result message.

Learn more

For advanced usage and extra parameters, see REST API for detail.