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The Search API provides personalized, typo-correcting, semantic search for your site. You send this API the search queries users entered, and the API returns the relevant search results tailored to your users' interests.

Perform a personalized, typo-correcting, semantic search.


from miso.sdk import ApiClient

api_client = ApiClient(api_key="{api_key}")

response =
  fl=["title", "sale_price", ""],
products = response["products"]


This method accepts all the parameters accepted by Miso REST API.

Here are some often used parameters:

Name Type Description
q str The search query the user has entered.
user_id str The user who made the query and for whom Miso will personalize the results. Either user_id or anonymous_id needs to be specified.
anonymous_id str The anonymous visitor who made the query and for whom Miso will personalize the results. Either user_id or anonymous_id needs to be specified for personalization to work.
fl list[str] List of fields to retrieve. product_id is always included. When not specified, only product_id will be retrieved.
fq str Filter query result, in Solr syntax.
boost_fq str Boost some of matched products, in Solr syntax.
start int The offset of records to retrieve.
rows int Number of records to retrieve.

Please refer to REST API document for complete list.

Return Value

A dictionary of returned result with following properties:

Name Type Description
products list[dict] A list of Product records. Use fl parameter to specify what fields are returned.
start int The offset of records to retrieve.
total int The total number of matched records.

Provides real-time, personalized, typo resistant typeahead for your search bar.


from miso.sdk import ApiClient

api_client = ApiClient(api_key="{api_key}")

response =
  fl=["title", "sale_price"],
  completion_fields=["title", "tags", ""],
results = response["completions"]


This method accepts all the parameters accepted by Miso REST API.

Here are some often used parameters:

Name Type Description
q str The search query the user has entered.
user_id str The user who made the query and for whom Miso will personalize the results. Either user_id or anonymous_id needs to be specified.
anonymous_id str The anonymous visitor who made the query and for whom Miso will personalize the results. Either user_id or anonymous_id needs to be specified for personalization to work.
completion_fields list[str] Specify the fields used for autocompletion. Use ["title"] by default.
fl list[str] List of fields to retrieve. product_id is always included. When not specified, only product_id will be retrieved.
start int The offset of records to retrieve.
rows int Number of records to retrieve.

Please refer to REST API document for complete list.

Return Value

A dictionary of returned result with following properties:

Name Type Description
completions dict[str, list] A dictionary with autocompleted field as key, and list of autocomplete result as value.

provides a simple and fast interface to retrieve products by their product ids.


from miso.sdk import ApiClient

api_client = ApiClient(api_key="{api_key}")

product_ids=["AH0376", "AH38917", "ZD4738145"]

response =
products = response["products"]


This method accepts all the parameters accepted by Miso REST API.

Here are some often used parameters:

Name Type Description
product_ids list[str] List of product ids to retrive.
fl list[str] List of fields to retrieve. product_id is always included. When not specified, all fields will be retrieved.

Please refer to REST API document for complete list.

Return Value

A dictionary of returned result with following properties:

Name Type Description
products list[dict] A list of Product records. Use fl parameter to specify what fields are returned.

Learn more

For advanced usage and extra parameters, see REST API for detail.